Over two Saturdays in February, Mill Creek and Dexter High School Band students, along with other Michigan District 12 schools, performed solos and ensembles before a judge to receive helpful feedback and a rating.
“We had 55 middle school events attend S&E this year with a large turnout of Division 1 and 2 ratings. I am very proud of the hard work the Mill Creek students put in this year for the festival.”
Mr. Andrew Damman, Director of Middle School Bands
Each solo and ensemble (two or more students) are separate “events” of which students may participate in multiple performances throughout the day. Each event requires music selection, registration and much practice and preparation before the day of the festival.
“At DHS, we had 82 events attend, with 98% receiving a Division 1 or 2 rating. Of the 42 events that qualified for State S&E, 7 events have chosen to attend. We are proud of our DHS Band students!”
Ms. Grace Wolfe, Director of High School Bands
Thank you to everyone who sent in photos to share with us! If you have 5th – 12th grade band pictures or memorable moments to share, please email them directly to dexterbandboosters@gmail.com or direct message or tag us on Instagram and Facebook: @dexterbandboosters